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About Us

The company "Η ΑΙΓΙΝΑ ® – Ξηροί Καρποί" is a family business that began its operation in 1952, when Giannis Tzitzis decided to process and standardize the pistachio that he produced on his estates. For this reason, he founded the company "Η ΑΙΓΙΝΑ ® – Ξηροί Καρποί", where the object of its activity is the production, processing (cleaning, sorting), baking and standardization of the unique product of Aegina.


The company's facilities (new machinery imported from abroad) are created in a privately owned area, near the estates, so that there is a direct connection of production with processing and standardization.


The company was the first in Greece to have a license for operation, processing and packaging for "Aegina pistachio" and almond. It was the first to start the standardization of Aegina pistachio, thus giving surplus value to the local product. At the same time, due to the rough relations and the trust it had with the rest of the local growers, it starts buying and processing their production, resulting in a very large part of the produced quantity of "Aegina pistachio" passes every year by its hands.


In 1989, Giannis Tzitzis' son, Nikos, took over the company and proceeded with its complete modernization, with new machinery, a modern way of organizing production and systematic control of processing. Due to his knowledge and experience, relations with all Aegina producers became even more close and systematic: there is constant exchange of information, scientific analyses and transfer of know-how. Cultivation is now based on knowledge and technical training, not just experience. Excellent quality and unique product continue to be the drivers of his efforts. The culmination of all this, as well as the quality of the dried fruit "Φιστίκι Αιγίνης-Νίκος Τζίτζης", was its registration as a PDO product (Protected Designation of Origin) by the Greek Organization for the Certification of Agricultural Products – AGROCERT.


In recent years, the family tradition continues the third generation-the daughters of Nikos Tzitzis, following in the footsteps of their grandfather and father.


Brands: "Η ΑΙΓΙΝΑ® - Ξηροί Καρποί", "the Greek Nut Company".


Nuts & dried fruits: apart from the "Aegina Pistachio - PDO Pistachio" - Nikos Tzitzis, we process and standardize all kinds of nuts and dried fruits, all of high quality.

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Aegina Dried Nuts

30, Kapodistriou Str., 180 10, Aegina Island

+30 22970 23321

ΠΟΓ 2591 / 19861.14

© 2020 Η Αίγινα Ξηροί Καρποί ΙΚΕ. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

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